River export of nitrogen and phosphorus is provided for 2010 and 2050. This data is computed by the MARINA-Global model: Model to Assess River Inputs of pollutants to seas. Nitrogen and phosphorus are in dissolved inorganic and organic forms.
The future follows Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP) 1 (sustainability-oriented) and 5 (economic-oriented). SSP1 is combined with Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6. SSP5 is combined with RCP8.5 to create the scenarios:
1) Business as usual (SSP5-RCP8.5 Low N ambition)
2) Bioenergy (SSP1-RCP2.6 High N ambition with low meat & dairy diet)
River export of the nutrients is calculated from around ten thousands sub-basins as a function of human activities on the land (e.g., agriculture, sewage) and sub-basin characteristics (e.g., hydrology, terrestrial and aquatic retentions).
The modelling approaches of MARINA-Global are published and evaluated in earlier studies, please see the documentation below.